When you have viewed the world from another perspective, you won't appreciate reality no more, its just like your adrenaline rush goes for it, all of a sudden your life revolves around something you were never into from the beginning. Then you applaud yourself and do things right, then you get a bunch of hypocrities into shit telling you all about the shit you already know, most times when they giving that long speech you just want to plug the ear phone. They never made sense non of them ever did, it was just me paying attention to their own selfish interest, not like they really care about the feelings you got. They pass law on you like your momma and papa, even your parents don't own you then why should their talks be, i remember swimming through an unimaginable swimming pool with lots of candies and ice creams; only to be awoken by the thoughts of what someone thought about me, what a waste of time for me to even think the person existed. The guardians of the galaxy should understand something, am not going to jumpstreet to meet ice cube expects its friday, what the hell am I even trying to say. My point is fuck sobriety, me being sober make me feel like a whimp who just got whipped in jail by a masculine oh! God let me not say it, boom and this whole life is back to nothing more than being sober. I have never knocked my teeth off, but have gotten into the cops hand for being too, clears throat, adult.
Call me Dickie am already a grown man at 14 Continue Reading
Call me Dickie am already a grown man at 14 Continue Reading